Habitat (UK) 

The brief from Habitat was to design a collection of innovative materials that push the boundaries of sustainability, while staying true to Habitat’s brand heritage.

I interpreted this by using the Habitat colour palette and graphic patterns, designing potential storage solutions for the home.

Rib structures were used to create expandable/collapsable designs, allowing for multi-functional storage units, focusing on combining the needs of the consumer whilst reducing consumption.

Ricamour embroideries

This was a‘collection enhancement’ project in partnership with Ricamour Embroideries to embellish pieces for my FMP.

Ricamour were looking for use of innovative materials and designs. I understood from the brief that their customer base were increasingly asking about sustainability.

I used felting and wet-felting techniques to present a more sustainable way of manipulating fabric. In addition I used glass beads to fit in with the luxury brand, while still remaining sustainable.